By Laymah Kollie

February 1, 2025

Monrovia: The Women NGOs Secretariats of Liberia express deep concern over President Boakai’s inability to address women’s issues in his second State of Nation Address.

According to WONGOSOL, the President didn’t give a direct perspective on Women in various governmental sectors such as Health, Education, Peace and Security, and Economic Development, amongst others.

”As an organization committed to promoting gender equality, women’s rights, and social justice, WONGOSOL commends the President’s efforts to address the nation’s socio-economic achievements and challenges, however, we express our concerns about several gaps in the address, particularly from a gender perspective” Wongosol Gender Analysis of the State of the Nation Address are as follows: Economic Development and Gender Inclusion, Education and Health, Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Peace and Security.

The Civil Society Actor stressed that while the President emphasized economic revitalization and job creation, the address lacked a gender-responsive approach to these goals. Women, who form a significant portion of Liberia’s informal workforce and are the backbone of the agricultural sector were not specifically recognized or included in proposed economic strategies.

”WONGOSOL calls for intentional policies and programs that ensure women’s equitable access to resources, financing, and capacity-building opportunities, especially in agriculture, small businesses, and entrepreneurship. We further urge the government to address structural barriers that limit women’s participation in the formal economy, such as discriminatory practices, lack of childcare, and unequal pay”.

In terms of Education and Health, the Women’s rights group said the government’s commitment to improving education and healthcare systems is commendable but insufficient without addressing the specific barriers faced by women and girls, noting, that girls in rural areas still face significant obstacles, including early marriage, lack of menstrual hygiene management, and unsafe school environments. These issues require targeted interventions to achieve true educational equity.

 ”In healthcare, we call for enhanced focus on maternal and reproductive health services, which remain underfunded and inaccessible to many women, especially in remote areas” For Peace and Security, WONGOSOL commends the government’s commitment to peace and security but emphasizes that these efforts must be gender-inclusive. Women are disproportionately affected by insecurity and must be actively involved in conflict resolution and peacebuilding processes. ”We call on the government to fully implement Liberia’s National Action Plan on UN Security Council Resolution 1325, ensuring women’s participation in leadership and decision-making at all levels”. However, in the case of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Wongosol thinks the persistent prevalence of GBV was not sufficiently addressed in the President’s speech.

 This omission undermines the urgency of tackling an issue that continues to harm countless women and girls across Liberia. WONGOSOL urges the government to scale up prevention measures, survivor support services, and justice mechanisms for GBV cases. Comprehensive funding for the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act and the Rape Law must be prioritized. Meanwhile, WONGOSOL then expressed disappointment in President Boakai’s failure to recognize Civil Society Organizations for their role play in contributing to the Country. ”WONGOSOL is deeply concerned about the lack of acknowledgment or recognition for the tireless work and contributions of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Liberia.

 CSOs have played a critical role in advocating for social justice, holding duty-bearers accountable, and providing essential services to marginalized communities” Additionally, CSOs, including WONGOSOL, have been at the forefront of efforts to empower women, combat GBV, and promote inclusive governance. They urged the government to recognize and actively engage with CSOs as strategic partners in national development.

”We call for greater collaboration between the government and CSOs, including the allocation of resources to support their initiatives and the establishment of platforms for meaningful dialogue”. WONGOSOL at the same time made  the following Recommendations for a Gender-Responsive Approach:

Mainstream gender into all national policies and programs to address systemic inequalities.  Allocate at least 30% of national resources to initiatives that directly benefit women and girls. 3. Recognize and support the contributions of CSOs by fostering partnerships and providing funding to strengthen their work. 4. Establish mechanisms to monitor and evaluate progress on gender equality commitments, ensuring accountability and transparency.

WONGOSOL reaffirms its commitment to collaborating with the government, development partners, and other stakeholders to build a Liberia where gender equality is at the heart of development. We believe that by recognizing the pivotal role of women and CSOs, Liberia can achieve the inclusive and sustainable growth envisioned in the President’s address.

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