GRAND KRU COUNTY PRISON IS FULL BEYOND CAPACITY…As Inmates suffer poor health conditions

Barclayville-September 23, 2021-WTVNEWS: Confirmed reports reaching our news desk says the Barclayville police holding cell is now over crowded and can no longer hold inmates.
The prison facility was initially build to contain nine (9) persons per room, currently holds up to eighteen (18) persons; putting the welfare of the inmates there at risk.
It has been established that the prison now cannot hold additional prisoners; a situation which makes those that commit crimes against the state and others including those in pre-trial detention to be on compulsory parole.
In the past, some prisoners on pre-trial detention and those persecuted were sent to the Harper Central Prison as the prison facility in the county cannot hold more inmates; a situation which aided the security sector of the county not until the Harper Central Prison was vandalized by angry protestors some months ago.
In another development, a pre-trial detainee at the Barclayville Police Depot is in a critical health condition.
Henry Nyeplu, 57yrs, was arrested in Gblebo on March 18, 2021, this year for the sale of narcotic substances.
Henry was forwarded to the Barclayville Magisterial Court on March 22 this year. The Magisterial Court then forwarded him to the Circuit Court.
In an interview with our reporter, Barclayville Police Depot Prison Superintendent Moses N. Allison disclosed that while the illegal drugs suspect Henry was in prison he became sick and was taken to the Barclayville Health Center for treatment but his health condition was deteriorating; something which moved the Prison Superintendent to inform both the court and the supposed relatives of the suspect.
He informed our news team that the court is expected to hear the case of Suspect Henry Nyeplu during the November Term of Court.
The Prison Superintendent also added that the supposed relatives of Henry have denied knowing him; something which may have also helped in breaking him down.
Meanwhile, WOMEN’S TV-LIBERIA has been reliably informed that based on the current health condition of the drugs suspect, he cannot be held in the prison facility due to his condition and he will be released on nolle prosiqui( a term which states that the court lacks sufficient evidence; therefore dismissed a case for that moment).