March 6, 2025

Monrovia: Second Lady of Liberia, Synleseh Stephenie Dahn-Koung has emphasized the need for meaningfully and strategic intervention for women and girls living with disabilities in Liberia.

Officially launching the first National Conference on the Status of Women and girls living with Disabilities at the SKD basketball gymnasium, madam Dahn-Koung emphasized that for long women and girls have battled with injustices demanding concrete action from policymakers to better the living conditions of disadvantage people in the country.

The National conference is intended to address Challenges and drive action that will allow disadvantage women and girls voices to be heard widely and be recognized in society.

The conference brought together thousands of disadvantage women and girls from the 17 districts of Montserrado County and over 17 organizations including Government officials, international guests and students’ organizations.

The second lady noted that disadvantage women and girls are faced with barriers that ranges from education, healthcare, economic opportunities, and justice adding that no human should endure such. “My office will stand with the disabled community to make their voices heard and continue to fight with them to achieve their goals” she said.

She called on disabled community to stand up and make their voices heard highlighting noting she will advocate for policies that will enhance the growth and development in the disabled community. “I am committed to fostering an inclusive Liberia where every woman, regardless of your in ability, will have the opportunity to contribute to the nation’s development, Women with disabilities are leaders, entrepreneurs, caregivers, and change makers, yet they remain underrepresented in decision-making, economic opportunities, and social protections”.

 It is imperative that we break down these barriers and ensure their voices are heard, their contributions recognized, and their rights fully upheld”. “This event is not just a discussion but a call to action, our aim is to ensure that women with disabilities are seen, heard, and included in national policies and development programs,”

Madam Dahn-Koung added. Dahn-Koung has pledged to make the conference an annual event, ensuring sustained progress in the fight for equality and inclusion.

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