By Staff Writer
Monrovia, January 3, 2022, WTVNEWS : Liberia’s Solicitor General, Cllr S. Syrenius Cephus has immediately asked his Special Assistant Cllr. Lafayette B. Gould Sr to resign or risk being dismissed.
According to a leaked communication from the Solicitor General, Cllr. Gould’s action over the last three years has demonstrated that he is more of a politician than a prosecutor working with the Ministry of Justice.
The leaked communication noted that Cllr. Gould’s constant unwarranted attacks on public radios and social media against government officials, the criminal justice system, the Liberian judiciary, and people he perceived as “incompetent”, are egregiously condescending of the Liberian government and its officials.
The Solicitor General leaked communication to Cllr Gould added that Cllr. Gould recently posted on social media on the Abe Darius Dillon’s page saying “When the nation is filled with mental health issues, what do you expect” a comment Cllr. Cephus believe is a direct insinuation that the current Liberian government is saturated with mentally deranged people.
“Cllr. Lafayette B. Gould Sr., please note that a careful review of your actions and activities over that last three years has shown or demonstrated that you are more of a politician, which of course is your constitutional right, if you so desire, than a prosecutor committed to the tenets of the practice of law, and avoiding making comments which are egregiously condescending of the alleged actions and activities of the Liberian government and its officials” the SG leaked communication explained.
The SG leaked communication continue “Apart from your constant and unwarranted attacks on public radios against government officials vis-à-vis the criminal justice system, the Liberian judiciary, and of course, people you perceived and continue to perceive as “incompetent”, you recently posted on the Abe Darius Dillon’s Facebook page this comment: “When the nation is filled with mental health issues, what do you expect”, a direct insinuation that the current Liberian government is saturated or inundated with mentally deranged people, this seemingly volatile, uncouth, and unsavory comment, soon bated, attracted and sparked a sundry of other insane and ruthless verbal attacks from other citizens using the same platform to complement what has become a seemingly grouchy and disrespectful conduct on your part”.
The SG in his leaked communication said the action of Cllr Gould is unprecedented and totally incompatible with his status as Special Assistant and Office Chief of Staff and as Prosecutor within the Department of Prosecution at the Ministry of Justice.
“I am giving you between 8: 00 am and 12: 00 noon, today, December 31, 2021, the CHOICE to formally resign as Prosecutor within the Department of Prosecution, Ministry of Justice, or I shall be nstrained to dismiss you without any further notice. This decision is irrevocable, I have no regrets. It’s my firm belief that others will learn from this and govern themselves very well, going forward” Cllr Cephus said in his leaked letter.
The SG leaked letter added “That said, and as earlier demonstrated on December 30, 2021, during our year-end senior staff meeting, you were given an immediate leave of absence from my office as Special Assistant, with the desire for a new assignment, but now today, December 31, 2021, I have a change of mind, after weighing other options”
Commenting on the SG leaked letter on OK FM major morning show, Cllr Gould confirmed receiving the letter but on Whatapp and promised to respond to the Solicitor General in the coming days.
Cllr Gould said “That is not the reason for your letter, chief, the simple reason is that I filed an action against your will and personal interest, I’m a member of the ANC, I supported Dillon 2020, and you know that, Is it today that you know I am a politician? The comment I made under Dillon’s post was not referring to anyone in the government but a person who had posted before Dillon’s post, So please don’t hide behind this, I will let the public know the truth behind my pending departure from your office as a Special Assistant and as a prosecutor, you will hear from me soon”.
Pundits believe the Solicitor General call for resignation or dismissal is against the Civil Service Agency guidelines for recruitment. CSA recruitment is usually done through rigorous test and or examinations.
Pundits indicated that Cllr. Gould is a civil servant as such his dismissal or job termination would go through the proper CSA guidelines.
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