Women For Positive Actions put smiles on the faces of children in Salala, Bong County…

July 30, 2021, WTVNEWS LIBERIA: Women For Positive Actions a local NGO advocating for women and children rights protection in Liberia has distributed several items which include Shoes, slappers, nose masks, and Sanitizer to kids in Salala District, Bong County.
The Chief Executive Officer of the WPA Madam Catherine Kollie Gbidi said it was her institution’s own way of identifying with underprivileged kids in the county.
We reached out to kids in Representative Moima Briggs Mensah district in Salala and gave out footwear and other items as a way of making them smile on Independence Day” Catherine Kollie Gbidi said.
Madam Kollie Gbidi added, “This is not much but I believe it will help in a long way, our organization is striving but we see it fit to always reach out especially to underprivileged kids, Imagine some of these children going out for days without slapper, this is heartbreaking, no child should go through this horrible experience”.
She called on the government through the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection to help local CSOs in building their capacity and providing other opportunities to enable them in return to support the government’s development agenda.
Women For Positive Actions CEO thanked Representative Moima Briggs Mensah for closely working with her team and allowing them to work in her district.
According to Madam Kollie Gbidi, the items were made possible by her partner Kroger Health’ and Jewelry “The Beautiful Stroke Survivor Gabrielle Rose”.