By: Jerromie S. Walters
Monrovia, Liberia: August 22, 2022:
The Political Leader of Liberty Party, Senator Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence has warned the Altwrnative National Congress (ANC) Political Leader Alexander B. Cummings to desist from what she termed as the illegal and indecent act of bringing conflict in the Liberty Party.
In a live press conference recently, Sen. Karnga Lawrence accused ANC Cummings and Partisans of constantly medling in the LP’s affairs.
The LP political leader statement comes a day after the disclosure of a collaboration of the Liberty Party and the ANC was announced via the LP Facebook page with the consent of the Party’s controversial Chairman Mr Musa Bility and Amb Alexander B. Cummings.
She urged the ANC Political Leader to refrain from actions of fueling conflict in the Party, noting that it doesn’t speak well for those of them with interest in governing the Liberian state.
“This action by Mr Cummings and his ANC, along with previous acts of fueling conflict in the Liberty Party doesn’t speak well for group of people wanting to provide leadership for a country already crying aloud for reconciliation”, she alluded.
As provided for by the Liberty Party August 20, 2022 communication, both parties under the ambience of the Collaborating Political Parties, will present an amended framework document, at the Party’s Headquarters on 19 Street, on Tuesday, August 23, 2022.
However, LP Political Leader Karnga Lawrence made it strictly clear that the presentation by both parties of a frame work document, and especially as a collaboration is completely contrary to the proceedings of the Liberty Party constitution.
“By operations of the foregoing facts, the LP currently has only one constitution before the NEC- the corrected 2021 Constitution from the Gbarnga Convention. Under the said constitution, the procedure to commit LP to collaboration requires a decision of the Political Leader and the National Executive Committee”, she added.
The conflict clause of the Liberty Party constitution provides that “The Standard Bearer/Political Leader, in consultation and collaboration with the NEC, shall formulate policy and procedures to implement the decisions of the National
Convention, call Special Conventions as provided for in Article VIII, and take such other actions and proper measures that he/she may deem as necessary to advance the best interest of the Party.”
Judging from the last paragraph in conflict clause, the Liberty Party Political Leader noted that the LP withdrew from the CPP and is no longer a part.
It can be referenced months ago, the Liberty constitutional conflict was taken before Her Honor Jamesetta Howard-Wolokollie on a Petition for a Writ of Prohibition, which as disclosed by Senator Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence, they were instructed to have the altered constitution corrected and resubmitted to the National Elections Commission consistent with an October 2, 2021 Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Political Leader and Mr. Bility acknowledging that alterations were made in the constitution.
Senator Lawrence said the decision was reached at a conference to which Her Honor Justice Jamesetta Howard-Wolokollie cited her, Chairman Musa Bility, Secretary General Martin kollah and others, and the National Elections Commission represented by Cllr. Wilkins Wright.
“The correction of the altered constitution was done by the parties under the watch of Her Honor Jamesetta Howard-Wolokollie, and subsequently resubmitted to the NEC consistent with Section 3.4 (d) of its own 2017 Rules and Guidelines for Political Parties and Independent Candidates”, Senator Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence clarified.
Following the submission of the corrected constitution, the Grand Bassa County Senator said the NEC based on a letter written to it by Mr. Bility requested proof from the Political Leader that the corrected constitution which was submitted to it was indeed a reflection of an instruction from the Chambers Justice.