SGBV Movement Launched In Liberia
By: Staff Writer
Monrovia-October 25, 2020-WTVNEWS: In an effort to continue to fight against Sexual And Gender-Based Violence in Liberia, a local group under the Banner, Liberia Sexual And Gender-Based Violence Awareness Movement has Launched its Sexual and Gender-Based Violence program in Liberia.
Rape and other forms of Sexual Gender-Based Violence have been on the increase since the beginning of this year with statistics of over 1,000cases from January to August 2020, in which young women and under-aged are victims. the Government of Liberia proclaimed Rape as a national emergency, directing 2Million USD in the national budget to cater for the emergency but more cases keep coming from the communities.
Speaking at the launching program, the keynote speaker Madam Kebbeh Monger, National President of the Rural Women of Liberia stressed that women and girls living in the rural part of Liberia are more vulnerable to domestic violence, rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the country.
Madam Monger encouraged Liberian women to stand up and show love for each other because one way or the other they or their children could be a victim of such acts.
She added that SGBV is an issue that shouldn’t be taking lightly, and it needs the collective efforts of everyone, the National Government, Civil Society organizations, Women grouping, Youth groups as well as international partners.
“Rural women will create door to door awareness in as much they can to stop SGBV in the rural areas across Liberia”. There is no proper safe home for victims after they are abused”.
Meanwhile, the President of the University of Liberia, Rev. Dr. Julius S. Nelson said in the wake of the SGBV fight, the University of Liberia is sending out ten recent graduates of the University of Liberia, of whom six are females out of the country to do a one-year graduate program on different studies on Gender issues for the University of Liberia to be faculty members.
Dr. Nelson emphasized that he will continue to ensure that the under college for disciplinary studies will highlight the University’s drive-in Gender studies at the University of Liberia.
Also speaking, one of the board members of the Liberia Sexual And Gender-Based Violence Awareness Movement, Mr. Jackie Sayegh said in 2015 the organization embarked on research titled Gender-Based Violence and Access to Justice in Liberia which gives an opportunity to the LSGBV Awareness Movement to visit almost all communities in Liberia.
Mr. Sayegh said it took three years to complete five research questions on SGBV and every Community in Liberia shamefully said yes it is a very big problem in their surroundings.
” There are two legal systems in this country, the customary and the statutory law that is what available to people when they are abused, hurt or feel disenchanted by anyone in the Liberia.
He said the issue of SGBV in Liberia shouldn’t be over emphasized in that Liberia needs to do more.
The Liberia SGBV Awarenesses Movement is a non for profit Organization with a Mission to inspire, advocate, communicate, educate, established partnership and strengthen existing Networks with state and non-state actors to promote Gender Equality. It intends to facilitate the sharing of information, knowledge, and tools to prevent SGBV, support victims, and ensure perpetuators are held accountable by law.
The Movement’s Vision seeks to promote all aspects of equality, wherein all forms of sexual gender-based violence are unacceptable: perpetuators are held accountable; and victims received the required compassion, Justice and support they deserve in an adequate and timely manner.