FIAMAH-Liberia: Contrary to their handbook and other regulations governing their operations, four officers of the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) have been hooked for robbery, theft of property, among others.

LDEA was created by an act of Legislation to ensure the fight against illicit drug in the country.

The Four Men, Jeremiah Nippy, Emmanuel Duo, Bill Slewro and Emmanuel Payne, according to a report from LDEA, made with US$2,000 and other valuables belonging to a business woman.

The robbery reportedly took place in Johnsonville.

LDEA Communication Officer Michael Jiplah told a team of reporters on Tuesday, that immediately following the incident, authorities of the LDEA took seize of the matter and placed the four officers under investigation for their alleged involvement.

There has been issues raised in the public space about the role of officers of the LDEA. Images and video photages have shown that there are series of impersonation and robbery of local business owners allegedly by officers of the LDEA.

Recently, Pres. George Weah Suspended for time indefinite the LDEA Deputy Director owing to administrative reasons.

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