“If You Temper With Our Votes, You Temper With Our Power” Boakai Sends Caveat to CDC …As He Announces Full Campaign Team
By: Laymah Kollie
Monrovia -August 14,2023: Barely three days after the Unity Party Spokesman Mohamed Ali sent out a caveat to the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change on confrontation of any threat that may art from the CDC, the Standard Bearer Amb. Joseph Boakai has reemphasized the party’s resistance to tempering of votes during the October polls
It can be recalled on Thursday August 10,2023, several partisans of the Unity Party were injured during a violent clash between some partisans of the Unity Party and men believed to be CDCians. The clashes forced the Unity party to called off its campaign team naming program. The origin of the incident is still unknown with both parties accusing each other of insinuating violence in the public. The scenes created fears amongst citizens, with many referring to it as a recipe for chaos and or war.
However, addressing scores of Partisans on August 14,2023, Amb. Joseph Boakai stated that Unity Party is a peaceful party that has maintained the peaceful co-existence of the country over the years and it is still upholding the Farmington River Declaration signed by political parties to exhibit peace during these elections but continuous provocations from the CDC will no longer be tolerated.
“We are aware of the provocations and the display of juvenile leadership but if you temper with our votes, you temper with our power. We will also leave no stone unturned to work with international prosecutors to arrest those who foster electoral violence and derail our peace.
In order to achieve victory on October 10, we need a hard-working, robust and inclusive campaign team that will run a responsible campaign to get out the votes and lead us to the desired result. Unlike the CDC, our campaign must be respectful of the rules and the provisions of the Farmington Declaration. We must not surrender to the temptations of those who seek to distract us. Those who oppose us might offer different opinions, but they too are Liberians.
This, however, does not mean we will allow them to violate us, as we will be firm to resist any attempt to intimidate our partisans, supporters, and the larger public during this campaign”.
The UP Standard Bearer echoed calls for a free, fair, transparent and credible elections in the October polls, noting, that Liberians will vehemently resist any act of cheating in the General Presidential and Representatives Elections.
“In addition, let me also make it abundantly clear that any plans or attempt, real or imagined, to steal this election will be vehemently resisted by the people of Liberia who have invested so much in the peace and stability of this country. Liberians have waited patiently to end the division, vindictiveness, lies, theft, and murders. They will accept nothing less than a free, fair, transparent, and credible result. We will collectively protect our votes!
This election is meant to be violent free and Unity Party, as its culture, will stick to that. However, we ask NEC and our partners to educate this reckless CDC ruling leader who does not understand peaceful election that brought them to power.”
The former Vice President of Liberia assured UP partisans of his preparedness to take over as the next president of Liberia.
He then urged members and supporters of UP to remain focus while gradually campaigning for victory in the elections.
“ I am glad to be back in the country, upbeat, reinvigorated and poised for our victory on October 10, 2023. This campaign is to reclaim the soul of our nation. It is a national call to rally citizens of our country for a Rescue Mission to reverse the hardships being inflicted on our nation and families over the past 6 years of backward leadership. It is to give Liberian children hope, and free our youth from drugs. Our country has never been at this deterioration point since the restoration of democratic governance in 2006, and at this juncture in its history, there can never be a better time than now for Liberians to make one of the most consequential decisions in salvaging the future. IT IS DECISION TIME! We have launched our election campaign under the banner of the UP Alliance, which demonstrates a commitment to rally a broad cross-section of Liberians to work and achieve the promise of a better Liberia. We are, therefore, determined, filled with hope and aspiration for a brighter future for our country.
The goal of the Rescue Mission’s Campaign is clear: to make the case to the suffering people of Liberia who have endured so much hardship under the CDC government and they now deserve better. The simple question all voters must therefore, answer during this campaign and on election day is this: Are you better off today than you were six years ago? If the answer as we know is NO, then there can be no patriotic duty than a determination to democratically unseat this regime, curtail corruption, stop the relentless pillaging of the national coffers and usher in an accountable and responsible government. “
He believed the rejection of President Weah at the October Polls will give answers to the unexplained deaths, insecurities and economic hardship face in the country.
“Let President Weah tell the Liberians what his leadership of the young people he represents has done for the Liberians we see suffering hardship, corruption, killing, rape, and drugs. Youth of Liberia, market women, school going children, do you want 6 more years of Weah young people rule?”
AMB. Boakai then called on the president to desist from what he referred to as reckless appearance to churches and mosques in Liberia as they are God fearing institutions.
“On another serious note, we are a God-fearing nation and a peaceful nation respecting religions co-existence. I appeal to President Weah to stop desecrating our mosques and churches by his reckless appearances there. Our places of worship must be respected.”
He cautioned campaign team to remain focus, committed to the process and ensure a round victory; stating, the key primary objective of UP is to transform lives, reduce economy hardship
“Rescue Team, the vision we aspire is not mere ambition; it reflects a profound commitment to the welfare of every Liberian and those who reside within our borders. We aspire to build a country that is equal in opportunities, and inclusive without discrimination against any group of Liberians. We are determined to build a prosperous country where opportunities are accessible to all regardless of background, origin, tribal, religious, or political affiliation.
In order to achieve this vision, we must first foster trust and cooperation between the government and the people. One of the tenets of a strong democracy is a trust between citizens and their leaders. Hence, we will work to restore that trust by creating avenues for open dialogue and engagement, ensuring your voices are heard, and your concerns addressed. Fellow Liberians, our vision to transform this country will only remain a dream if we do not get out to vote in our thousands to change this failed government. We will not realize our set objectives to transform this country for the better if we maintain people in power whose only goal is to take what belongs to the people for themselves.”
Meanwhile, the UP Standard Bearer then listed names of officials currently expected to run the day to day affairs of the party during this elections period.
Those named are Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence of Grand Bassa, Campaign Chairperson, Senator Prince Kermue Moye of Bong County Campaign Manager, Senator Darius Dillion of Montserrado County Campaign Lead for Montserrado, Senator James Biney of Maryland County Vice-chair for Administration, Senator Botoe Kanneh of Gbarpolu County Member, Mr. Amin Modad of Lofa County Vice Chair for Research, Policy and Planning, Madam Macdella Cooper Political Leader of the Movement for One Liberia Vice-chair for Resource Mobilization, Mr. Mohamed Ali Spokesman, Mr. Tornola Varpilah of Bong County Vice -Chair for Technical Services and Tormue Queminee Deputy Manager for Administration.
Others were: David Dorr Cooper of Nimba Deputy Manager for Operations, Hon. Sando D Johnson of Bomi Member, Hon. Armah Jallah of Gbarpolu County Member, Hon. Alaric Tokpa of Gbarpolu member, Cllr. Cooper Kruah Chairman of Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction Member, Mr. Jacob Smith of Grand Bassa Campaign Liaison, madam Miatta Fahnbulleh of Cape Mount Oversight on District #7, Mr. Boakai Jaleiba of Cape Mount Campaign Strategist, Rev. Luther Tarpeh Ex-officio, Mr. Amos B Tweh Ex-officio, Mrs. Selena Poison-Mappy member, Mr. T. Melvin Cephas Member, Cllr. Jeror Cole Bangalu Legal Advisor, Charles Roberts Visibility Supervisor, Mr. Whroway Bryant Auxiliary Coordinator and Mrs. Helena Doe-Knuckles amongst others.