“Do not listen to Elementary Facebook Post for this Election ” Acarous Moses Gray tells Supporters

Montserrado-October 11, 2023: Incumbent Montserrado district 8 lawmaker Acarous Moses Gray has cautioned his supporters not to consider any social media post congratulating his opponent Prince Toles, winner, as an official number from the National Election Commission for the just ended general elections.
Gray described those social media posts in favor of Mr. TOles as an ‘elementary factbook post’.
He made the statement Wednesday, October 11, 2023, during a live press conference at his district office in sinkor.
On Wednesday October 11, the day after election, dozens of supporters and non-supporters of Acarous Gray began congratulating Prince Toles, a major contender to Rep. Gray, which political pundits believed may have prompted Mr. Gray to speak to the media.
Mr. Prince Toles contested the district in 2011 and 2017 but lost both elections.
The Incumbent lawmaker who claimed that district # 8 has the total of eight three (83) tally sheets, said, “You cannot have seventy-four (74) out of eighty-three (83) tally sheets than you are running around saying you have won the district. The gossip and rumors you are hearing is false and misleading, in this district, we have 83 centers and in our possession are all the tallied sheets in the 83 centers of district # 8, Montserrado County. Numbers don’t lie, our opponent have been buried by us”, Moses Gray noted.
According to Gray, he wanted substantial evidence which is the tallied sheets posted by NEC noting that he chose not to make a Facebook post. “We chose not to post because we wanted the prima facies and the prima facies are the tallied sheets posted by NEC, we have received those numbers which showed that we are the victors and they are the victims, I want to reassure you that nobody can temple with the results even if our opponents want a recount, we will still win because we have the numbers”.
Though Mr. Gray did not point fingers to a particular candidate but mentioned that people should stopped making mockery of themselves, noting that he is in the lead bigly as an incumbent representative candidate as well as the CDC is in the presidential and the senatorial race in district # 8, Montserrado County.
“To defeat a Acarous Moses Gray is not as ordinary as you think, we fought with everything in these in this election because there were forces who fought us from everywhere” Gray said.
Rep Moses Gray also told his supporters “You can go out and peacefully celebrate, do not disrupt or disturb other people, it is your fundamental rights under the law of Liberia to amass your forces, the constitution provides that protection, to those who contested against me, I want to say thank you, it was a great fight u put out, but in every election, there must be a winner, I ask that you concede and concede now” Gray cautioned his opponents.
However, the National Elections Commission is yet to provide preliminary results for Montserrado representative election. The Liberian constitution gives NEC the absolute power to announce results from the country’s general elections.