In Grand kru County….LNRS Concludes First Aid Training, others with Over 40 Volunteers
By: James Myking Suah
Barclayville-October 13,2020-WTVNEWS:
Over forty (40) active volunteers have benefitted from intensive psychosocial Counseling, community-based first aid, and fundamental hand washing training from the Liberia National Red Cross Society in Grand Kru recently.
The training took place at the local chapter office of Red Cross in Barclayville City.
The training aimed at building the capacity of its chapter volunteers in Grand Kru owing to the stay of Coronavirus in the country coupled with difficult times due to the global pandemic.
Among other things, the training focused on COVID 19 causes, preventive measures and provided more clarities about the myths and rumors about coronavirus disease that has created serious economic problems, especially in middle-income countries.
LNRS Program officer Mr. Boima disclosed that these engagements with volunteers across the country are gear towards the fight against the virus.
Meanwhile, the Grand Kru County Health Team Clinical Supervisor Titus Ketor lauded efforts of the LNRS and called on participants and residents of the county to continue following all the necessary health protocols put in place by the Ministry of Health and partners. He urged citizens to not be complacent in the fight against the virus until relevant health officials declare the country free of the disease.