LP DILEMMA DEEPENS ……….As Bility’s Fraction Reliefs Sen Dillon, Others As Executives
By: Jerromie S. Walters
Sinkor,Liberia-ANALYSIS: As drama surrounding the legitimate ownership of the Liberty Party (LP) heightens, things appear falling greatly apart with the relentless posture of the Party’s duely recognized Chairman Musa Bility in taking critical decisions affecting prominent stalwarts of the Party.
On December 6, 2021, Bility announced suspension of the Party’s Political Leader Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence and other executive members over allegation of their inability to meet up with their due payment. With effect to that, Mr Bility appears rational on leaving no room for errors as he has unhesitatingly filled in vacancy created following the suspension of Senator Dillon and other officials of the Party.
According to the suspension Communication, suspended executive members had 90 days to settle their financial obligations or face expulsion from their positions in the Party.
However, Mr Bility’s fraction of the LP has justified their actions by authority given them by Article V (2) of the Liberty Party (LP) 2021 Constitution.
“In the event that other officer of the NEC is removed, incapacitated, or has traveled, and/or abundant his duties /responsibilities for a period exceeding six (6) months, Article V (2) during none election year and one month during election year, the NEC shall immediately appoint a stable replacement”, the LP constitution notes.
The new appointments are Wadel Powell, Vice Chair for political and Legislative affairs (Replacing Senator Darius. Dillon), Menipakei Dumoe, Vice Chair for Press and Public Affairs (replacing Daniel Sando), Alexander Bealderd, Vice Chair for Auxiliaries (Replacing Agatius Coker), Daniel Gbassagee, NEC eminent member, (Replacing Kla Tommey), Mohammed Sesay, and Ayouba Kamara who are both Eminent members of NEC, replacing Prescilia Cooper, and McCarthy Weh.
Meanwhile, following the Party’s state of two desperate factions, the fight for the legitimate ownership appears unending as neither the Nyonblee nor Bility fraction seems to be ready for an understandable dialogue in ensuring that the disjointed party is united.
While the dispute continues through legal processes which sets Mr Bility on a legal path as provided by the National Election Commission, Senator Lawrence, Dillon and other officials have since been skeptical about entrusting the Party with Mr. Bility who they all supported, but became victimized by his actions, months later.
Senator Dillon has repeatedly been reminded of his politically religious quote ” From Saul to Paul”, which he argued on Mr Bility’s behalf following concerns from the public as they retrospect on the Chairman past record which they believe is unfit to uphold strategic role in the LP
Howbeit, Senator Lawrence fraction of the LP whose actions and decisions are being flagged by the Party’s 2018 Constitution, has been denied prominent and legal ownership of the Party by NEC, as there also exist the LP 2021 Constitution which brought Mr Bility onboard as Chairman of the Party.
Though Senator Lawrence through authority as the Party’s Political Leader hastily nullified the Party’s January 21st-23rd, 2021convention following her suspension, the Senator’s fraction and the 2018 Constitution remains a toothless dog as the NEC has severally denied them legal authority.
The united Liberty Party the public knew, appears completely disjointed as it is currently being led by two Chairmans/Chairpersons, two Executive Councils, possibly two political leaders and at two separate headquarters.
The fight for supremacy within the LP between the controversial Political Leader and the National Chairman of the Party. has been a continuous one for the last five months. It has also been proven that the LP ownership dilemma, also indirectly affected the failed Collaborating Political Parties (CPP).