Sara Beysolow Nyanti Promises to Improve Liberia’s Foreign Relations if Confirm

By: Laymah Kollie
Monrovia-: Foreign Minister Designate Madam Sara Beysolow Nyanti has assured members of the Liberian Senate her commitment and ensure strategy to revamp the Foreign Ministry if confirmed.
The nominee during her confirmation hearing on Monday 4th of February, told plenary that she is willing to strengthen the relationship between Liberia and the International communities.
She stressed that if given the opportunity to serve Liberia, she will used her expertise to build the sector as she did for other countries.
“I come to the table not only with the education necessary for it (job) but with the experience, capacity and suitability for the role. I served and helped develop other countries; I helped to transform the agenda of the UN in other countries. I have done things that are being used by other countries around the world. I have done it for others, what do you think I will do for my own children, women, boys and girls in Liberia. I will do even more”, Madam Beysolow-Nyanti noted.
Addressing the issue of Reforming Foreign Services, Madam Nyanti to Legislators that she will work hard to strengthen the Country’s foreign relations with strategic partners and International communities.
“I will work hard and diligently to strengthen Liberia’s foreign relations with its strategic partners to include missions and international organizations. I don’t want you to confirm me to be a manager or a minister. I want you to look at my experience and capacity to confirm me to be a transformational leader.”
She added: “Transformation is not what the way we see things happened in the past in Liberia. It is about what’s happening in the world out there and how to bring it home. Things have changed and Liberia must change with it.”
In terms of resource mobilisation, Madam Sara Nyanti stressed the need for Liberia to demonstrate transparency, accountability, rule of law while building a resilient system for effective work.
“We should demonstrate to our partners that we are able to handle things on our own in terms of accountability, transparency, accountability, rule of law, and making sure there is prosecution where necessary. We should build a resilient system and allow our systems to work.”
Regional integration
The Minister designate affirmed her commitment to working with the Mana River Union and other regional partners in continuing their bilateral and multilateral relationships.
“I am looking forward to how we work together in the MRU to strengthen our relationship from the bilateral and multilateral prospective.”
Extending ties
On the aspect of extending the country’s ties, madam Sara promised to extend the country’s ties globally. According to her, despite the country existing traditional ties, but the need to build new relationships is important.
“Things continue to evolve. Liberia has traditional allies, but Liberia is also making new friends. Those friendships are based on the interest of the Liberian people. Liberia is aligned with the Liberian people and where Liberia will find means to develop this country, we will engage under my leadership when I am confirmed.”
“When we are taking part in a new movement or the Liberia-first movement, I will encourage President Joseph Nyuma Boakai to engage where we are respectful to our traditional allies to deepen those relationships or form new ones seeking the interest of the Liberian people,” She noted.
However, Despite reports surrounding the credentials of Foreign Minister Designate Sara Beysolow Nyanti, most members of the Liberian Senate have pledged their commitment to vote in favor of her during Senate confirmation.
The Senators in chambers Monday, February 5,2024, praised the level of work done by madam Nyanti at the International level and stated that she is competent to occupy the position of Foreign Minister.
It can be recalled, that after Pres. Joseph Boakai’s nomination of Madam Sara Beysolow Nyanti to serve as Minister of Foreign Affairs, a social media activist Martin K N Kollie raised concerns over the nominee qualifications prescribed in her Curriculum Vitae.
According to Martin, the former UN Assistant Secretary General has fraudulent documents and should not be given the opportunity to serve at the Ministry.
However, appearing in chamber Monday for confirmation Hearing before Senators, the Minister Designate defended her credentials and qualifications alongside her level of experience at the UN and other places.
The former Presidential Candidate seem to have convinced Lawmakers as she was seen admired and praise by some Senators during the hearing.
Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe of Bomi County graded the nominee as “over qualified” for the position.
Senator Snowe in his statement asked madam Nyanti to recommend a higher position where her credentials fit .
“You are over qualified for this job, show us different position that you can work because the ministry is small for your credentials”
Also, Senator Joseph Jallah of Lofa County pledged his support to her confirmation.
There’s no doubt, don’t mind this foreign affairs people, they are in favour of you. I take interest in the confirmation and that’s why I’m here. I will work with people who are working with you.
Furthermore, Senator Prince Kermue Moye of Bong County applauded the Minister Designate for representing herself before Plenary. He affirmed his support to the confirmation of madam Nyanti.
“Thanks for pushing yourself to the Liberian people through the Senators in here. Rest assured that the day committee comes out with report for your confirmation you will have my vote”
Moreover, Senator Zoe Emmanuel Pennue of Grand Gedeh committed himself to voting in the favor of Minister Designate before Plenary.
“I can assure you my vote”
Like Pennue and others, Senator Alex Tyler of Bomi, Senator Botoe Konneh of Gbarpolu, Senator Dabah Varpilah of Grand Cape Mount and other lawmakers also affirmed their admiration for Minister Designate Sara Beysolow Nyanti.
Meanwhile, Senator Abraham Darius Dillon of Montserrado, Chairman on the Committee on Foreign Affairs said the matter will be reported before Plenary in the soonest possible time inorder for the August body to make a decision concerning her confirmation.