Wokie Dolo Foundation Dedicates Hand Pump to Nyoundea Town Residents
By: Laymah Kollie
Liberia: The Wokie Dolo Foundation (WDF) through its Executive Director Madam Wokie Dolo, has constructed and dedicated a modern hand pump for residents of Nyoundea Town in the Baptist Seminary Community, District 6, Montserrado County.
The dedication ceremony, held on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, in Paynesville City, marked a significant milestone for both the foundation and the inhabitants of Nyoundea Town.
The initiative according to madam Dolo will alleviate the long-standing water scarcity that has afflicted the community for 25 years.
Former Miss Liberia and Former Representative Candidate of District 6, Wokie Dolo, who dedicated the hand pump on behalf of the foundation, expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the community for their warm welcome and shared emotional reflections on the journey that led to the momentous occasion.
“This hand pump will solve the community water problem in the last 25 years”.
Ms. Dolo emphasized the foundation’s unwavering commitment to tangible, impactful change, transcending the realm of politics to serve as a beacon of hope for all.
“We want to make a change… with distinction,” she declared. “There is no way you will be happy eating food if others around you don’t have food to eat.”
The foundation ED then reflected on the profound significance of the hand pump project and underscored the importance of community engagement and collaboration.
Stressing, that the gesture is not intended for campaign purposes but the desire to meet the needs of the community.
“We are not running a campaign; it is just the Wokie Dolo Foundation impact project everywhere, We want you to know us for yourself.”
However, Dolo cautioned the residents of Nyoundea Town to cherish and maintain the hand- pump.
“We look forward to the proper maintenance of this pump, If you know that you have been struggling for something, and when you are blessed with it, you take care of it like you take care of your eyes.”
However, Mr. Oldpar Meen, Elder of Nyoundea Town, described Wokie Dolo as incoming honorable of the 2029 general elections and extends appreciation to her, for the effort made to construct a hand pump within their community.
He assured Wokie of the community’s commitment to standing by her and giving support to her come 2029 general elections.
Meen also urged Dolo to continue her good work that throughout the 54 communities in district #6.
“So I think God for you that you have come to our need for a safe drinking water hand pump,” he said. “From today to 2029, we give you this community. Nobody will come here and override us to say “you go to John Brown and it happens. We will stand by you.”
Also, Blojay Garnso Jaycon, Youth Chairman of Nyoundea Town, expressed appreciation to madam Dolo on behalf of the youth of Nyoundea Town for her tremendous effort made in their community.
“It takes an individual to meet up with their commitment, so thank you Wokie for this hand pump constructed within our community,” he said.
Wokie Dolo is a former Representative Candidate of electoral district 6, Montserrado County in the 2023 General elections in Liberia. She’s also the former Miss Liberia.