Liberia-October 8, 2020-WTVNEWS: It appears that the Liberia National Police (LNP) has destroyed possible evidence in unearthing links to the alleged murderer (s) of the fallen Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) senior employees when it instructed one of its officers to drive the vehicle containing the lifeless bodies to the John F. Kennedy Medical Hospital to be attended to.
The lifeless bodies of the two LRA Employees’ Gifty Lama and Peters were seen lying in one of the deceased vehicles parked on broadstreet.
Research has it that in crime investigation such as these, a Todd truck should be used to take a crime scene vehicle to a designated destination, which was never done by the LNP.
On command, an officer of the LNP drove deceased bodies to the John F. Kennedy Medical Center to care for them in the absence of an investigation that could establish circumstances.
Research also unveils that the said scene should have been barricaded until a full-scale investigation is conducted, something that was not also done by the police in this case.
When quizzed about this; Police Inspector General Patrick Sudue admitted to containing the crime scene, but said that was the only option in getting the fallen LRA officials to the hospital and sealing their integrity to avoid people recording or taking pictures of the bodies.
Col. Patrick Suduen mentioned that “I must say publicly that there were some errors on the crime scene, but that was not significant to destroying evidence. He continues “Under normal circumstances, those people on board should have been taken from the vehicle and placed in an ambulance and taken to the hospital.”
According to Sudue, they have to drive the vehicle to the hospital in the instant case on grounds that they did not want the investigation done openly in the public, though he failed to state the risk or what would have been wrong in conducting a said investigation in the public.
‘Look we respect the dignity of everyone, there were a lot of people there with gargets; people wanted to records, etc, so looking at the aspect of taking these people out of the vehicle that was unconscious we deem it necessary for them to remain on board and someone drive the car to the next point; that’s according to IG Sudue.
When further questioned as to where the LNP have been able to unearth the fingerprint of the person who drove the dead bodies on the discovery scene, Sudue struggled to provide any clear information to that effect but pleaded with the public to feed the LNP with any information of such as the police will ensure informant’s protection.
To date, the police are yet to detect links to the alleged gruesome murder of the two individuals as the result of its previous approach in handling the crime scene.