U.S. Government Signs $55 Million Health Partnership with Liberia


Liberia-WTVNEWS: A partnership that seeks to enhance access to health services beyond the city of Monrovia to rural communities for marginalized population has been signed today outside Monrovia.

The United States Government today reaffirmed it’s long standing ties with Liberia through the signing of US$55M health partnership with the Government of Liberia.

The Partnership deal comes at the time Liberia is celebrating 200years of existence, also the Bicentennial, the Land of Return and Pan African Leadership.

Ms. Dana Banks, Special Assistant, Senior Director for Africa at the National Security Council and head of the US Presidential delegation to the Bicentennial celebration, signed on behalf of the US government while Liberia’s Foreign Minister Maxwell Kemeyan signed on behalf of Liberia.

Ms Banks sign off on the health partnership seeks to improve the health of Liberians over the next five years.

Known as the Health Partnership, this agreement demonstrates the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to strengthening health systems; combatting malaria; advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights; maternal, neonatal, and child health; and accelerating efforts towards universal health coverage.

“Together, we seek to stimulate Government of Liberia health systems and improve maternal, newborn and child health, family planning and reproductive health, and malaria service delivery; improve the quality of health services at the point of care; increase institutional access to water, sanitation and hygiene; and decentralize health governance for marginalized rural populations in focus counties”, the US Embassy release added.

The Health Partnership also supports the Government of Liberia’s Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (2018-2023).

Earlier during the Bicentennial official program, Ms. Banks recounted the US long standing relationship with Liberia dating back as 160yrs. She reiterated US President Joe Biden’s commitment to continuously support to Liberia as a country with much coordinated history of governance.

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