ANOTHER 15K Delivered to LAWMAKERS…..Sen. Nuquay Discloses

CAPITOL HILL-JULY 15, 2021-WTVNEWS: BARELY a month after series of controversies surrounded the first distribution of the first 15K, another 15K has landed in the hands of the 103 Lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
The previous 15K dished to Lawmakers, drew the public’s attention, that in the midst of the Corona Virus, Lawmakers should have redirected such funds to end the pandemic in the Country.
Several Lawmakers Rubbishes the public outcry for the return of the money as most of them vowed never to return the money.
As stated by some Lawmakers, the money was intended for Legislative engagement with constituents.
But as though the fight against the virus and the number of deaths are not high, MARGIBI County Senator Emmanuel Nuquay has confirmed the receipt of the second 15K.
In a release issued today July 15, 2021, in Monrovia, the second portion of the amount was given to him in check to carry on his legislative engagement initiatives as allocated in the previous fiscal year budget.
Several political ideologues, including citizens, questioned the lawmakers’ decision to receive such an amount of money when the country’s economy is in its worst state.
In a social media (Facebook post), Grand Bassa County Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence stated that the MARGIBI COUNTY senator release was strange as she is yet to receive such an amount.
Though she mentioned that the previous 15K was received by her, she cautioned her colleagues to adhere to the Public’s wish to redirect the funds to fight the pandemic.
Sen. Nuquay is the first amongst the 103 Lawmakers at the Legislature to reveal this pertinent information surrounding the controversial second 15K. This means the 103 have received 30K for Legislative engagement.
Though Sen. Nuquay did not indicate that he would return the second 15K his release indicated that the information was in the best of the public.
Recently, a pressure group reiterated calls for the return of the 15K as they promised to continue Protestation until the funds are returned for the betterment of Liberians.